Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Coming Together

Along with donations, we have been getting some seriously cute cards & letters. I thought I'd gather them all up and take a quick picture. Some of them are funny (Ahem... Jessica Scott.) and some have made me cry. I am definitely getting baby P. a scrapbook soon- pending the coveted 'half off all scrap booking' sale at Hobby Lobby. These cards are going in it for sure.

Here is the progress with our puzzle this week. To all of you who have donated to our adoption, thank you so much! writing your names down was so fun and exciting! If we can get it finished by the summer, we will be starting our home study in August or September!! I've never been more eager to start anything in my life.
That's 84 pieces down and 416 pieces to go! If you want to help us finish our puzzle and bring our baby boy home, you can donate with the nifty button on the right or email me and I will send you our address.

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